*​Next Meeting : February 4th @ 8pm

Login info:  Meeting ID:  420 064 9742

                  Passcode:     9690717

                  Call In Number:  +1MDA(646)558-8656 

Come, hear the latest news, chat, ask questions, and have some refreshments with your fellow members! ​  

It can be tough to make a meeting.   Life happens!  Try the Zoom link to join in!!!   
You’ll need to post your name so we know who’s checking in but this way you can listen or watch and listen!

*Remember to identify yourself with your FIRST & LAST NAME when logging in and you also need to show yourself at the beginning of the meeting so we can acknowledge you and your attendance! This additional step is now needed due to comments made by non-union people trying to log in...unfortunately.  Thank you for your understanding!